The Vampire Prince by Darren Shan

The Vampire Prince (Cirque Du Freak, #6)

You should know the drill by now but for those who don't I'll explain the Cirque Du Freak series. Darren Shan is a normal boy who steals a spider belonging to a vampire, Mr Crepsley. This spider turns out to be quite deadly which almost kills one of Darren's friends, Steve. In exchange for Steve's life Darren agrees to become a half-vampire and Mr Crepsley's assistant.

The Vampire Prince starts where The Trials Of Death finished with Darren jumping into a roaring river. He somehow survives and ends up finding the pack of wolves he met in Vampire Mountain. Now, this is where things start getting (for want of a better word) icky. Darren is ill and can't chew solid food so joins some wolf cubs and sucks from the mother wolf's teets. I found this to be disgusting and wonder why Shan felt the need to put it in the book.It had no bearing on the rest of the story so why write about something like this in a children's book?

Other than this the book isn't too bad and is pretty much on par with the series so far. They're fairly graphic for kid's books but otherwise not too bad, and I will be finishing the series at some point.


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