The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)


I've read a few reviews of this book where people actually despised it because of the content, and I'll admit that I was rather apprehensive about reading a book that was basically Battle Royale but 12 to 18 year olds. As soon as I started reading I was hooked. I could not put this book down and thought about foregoing food and sleep just to finish it. Yes, it really is that good.

Yes, the book is simplistically written at times, but you do need to remember that is aimed at young adults. It's also a good thing in parts as too much description would ruin it.

My heart was racing whilst reading this as I just kept wondering how Katniss would survive certain situations. You start reading the book wondering how she will defy the Capitol, maybe by having no deaths, but after the first boy is killed with a dagger in his back you realise that there will be gruesome death after gruesome death, and you basically prepare yourself for what will come. Several times over I thought Peeta was going to meet a horrid end.

When the games are finally over you know that there will be consequences for Katniss' actions and I genuinely worried for her safety. I fell in love with this girl. She is bright, pretty and strong-willed, pretty much everything I would like to be. I think Collins did an amazing with her characters; you love the ones she wants you to love, you hate the ones she wants you to hate. Before reading The Hunger Games I wasn't sure how she would spread the story over 3 books but after finishing it I realise that there is a lot of scope for possible even more than 3 books.

For anyone who is put off by the content I urge you just to try it. Not everyone will love it and that's fine because we can't all have the same tastes, but I would definitely recommend this book to most people. It's got a lot of reading tastes covered including thriller, romance, adventure, sci-fi etc. I can't wait to read book 2.


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