The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia, #2)

I kind of wish that I hadn't re-read this as I remember it being such a magical book when I was younger. Now that I'm older with my own children I wanted to read it again to see if I could get that magic back from my childhood, but I was left with a nasty taste in my mouth.

Lewis fills with whole book with Christian propeganda, including the idea that Aslan is actually a Jesus type of character. There are many timess when the children actually describe feeling both in awe, and also slightly frightened of the lion but not because he's a gigantic carnivore.

Christian undertones aside, I was disapointed with the lack of tension throughout the book. Everything happens a little too quickly and yet Lewis was capable of so much more. The descriptions, despite being short are quite beautiful and made me yearn for such a place as Narnia.

After saying all of this I know that I will read the Lewis books to my children as I remember how I felt when I first read about the door that could take you away to a magical place because, if we're all honest, wouldn't we love to find Narnia at the back of our own wardrobes.


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